There is one Good "overgod" who is  The Lord, then there is one Evil "overgod" who is The Devil, and there is one neutral "overgodess" who is The Mother. Each of the Deities under them are almost more like aspects of the whole. Most people on Lajoun will find a certain deity with the aspect that really means a lot to them so that they want to strive to become like the deity who embodies that aspect. These deities (even if they or their followers don't think so) are really part of the whole that makes up complete good complete evil or complete neutral. When a being dies they go to the appropriate Heaven, Hell, or other plane depending on what deity they chose as patron. Any who does not have a patron deity becomes some sort of undead depending on their alignment and how they died.
Good Deities
Paulus (Modesty NG)
Liza (Honor LG)
Desegnia (Loyalty LG)
Alexander (Endurance LG)
St. Nikolaus (Generosity NG)
Grace (Grace NG)
Cornuco (Provider NG)
Torok (Vigilance NG)
Kaelras (Redemption CG)
Chastity (Purity LG)
Galpaw (Courage CG)
Jaess (Education LG)
Bahamut (Glory CG)
Siren (Rejoice, Joy CG)
Charity (Charity NG)
St. Valentine (Love NG)
Phoenix (Life CG)
Garstillig (Freedom CG)
St. Patrik (Good Luck CG)
Gia (Moderation NG)
Eden (Sanctuary NG)
Kiakate (Discipline LG)
Wren (Domestication LG)
Humea (Humility NG)
Yojimbo (Patience LG)
Tressa (Truth LG)
Felalecia (Tolerance LG)
Ixion (Zeal/Labor CG)
Hope (Hope) (NG)
Suko (Inspiration CG)
Odin (Justice LG)
Creasse (Avenge CG)
Evil Deities
Diablos (Pride LE)
Gesserie (Prejudice LE)
Vegael (Vanity LE)
Corrinous (Tyranny LE)
Avarice (Greed LE)
Tiamat (Possessions LE)
Ordoss (Gamble NE)
Volez (Thievery CE)
Lerella (Lust NE)
Vloek (Corruption NE)
Tlilax (Evil Knowledge LE)
Xavius (Profanity NE)
Roekan (Torture NE)
Lady Envy (Envy LE)
Mikkal (Betrayal NE)
Tonberry (Deception CE)
Doomtrain (Misfortune CE)
Erathis (Depravity CE)
Bo (Gluttony LE)
Jadi (Addiction CE)
Ziekte (Disease CE)
Hadess (Poison NE)
Harko (Wrath CE)
Reaver (Revenge NE)
Alhallo (Strife CE)
Sar-Dakar (War NE)
Cereberus (Beast CE)
Sloth (Sloth NE)
Fear (Fear) (CE)
Anema (Despair NE)
Abaddon (Insanity CE)
Siid (Slavery LE)
Neutral Deities
Pandemona (Air N)
Jedah (Dark LN)
Brothers Earth (Earth N, LN)
Ifrit (Fire CN)
Quetzalcoatl (Force CN)
Shiva (Ice LN)
Kristar (Light CN)
Cactaur (Plant N)
Ark (Shadow N)
Valefor (Sound N)
Leviatha (Water LN)
Ashente (Charisma N)
Calalea (Constitution LN)
Dexii (Dexterity CN)
Ramuh (Intelligence N)
Rexagatar (Strength CN)
Fenrir (Wisdom LN)
Malborne (Nature N)
Amelia (Animals N)
Grimm (Death N)
Laebella (Time CN)
Monekka (Trade LN)
Carbuncle (Magic CN)
Veankee (Invention LN)
Tuck (Humor CN)
Gilgamesh (Poetic Justice LN)
Destiny (Fate N)
Huldra (Agriculture N)
Lynne (Strategy LN)
Ruby Heart (Travel CN)
Evoz (Survival) (N)
Naepim (Psionics) (N)
Alemrar (Balance N)
Pongo (Evolution N)
Urbanus (Civalization, Cities LN)
Harlequin (Entertainment CN)
Beorn (Spirit, Ancestral Traditions, Living in Harmony with the Spirits of the Land N)
Tehina (Dreams CN)