
Nicknames: "The Truthseeker"

Symbol: An arrow with "Truth" on the shaft

Alignment: Lawful Good

Portfolio: Truth, Tradition

Favored Weapon: "Truthseeker" Longbow

Stats: Female Tideswimmer Archer/Spellshield/Arcane Archer

Relationships: Tressa gets along with Liza, Desegnia, Chastity, and Kiakate. She does not get along with Tuck. Tonberry and Ark are her archenemies.

Clergy: Tressas followers preside over local traditions. Many also hold high positions in law enforcement or as judges because of their truthfulness and ability to find the truth in any situation.

Dogma: Always speak the truth. Always look for the truth in everything. Carry on your families and your communities traditions.

High Clergy:
Kanekua'ana - female Hawaiian Firenewt Ritualist
Konohana Sakkuya Hime - female Japanese Treant sakura(cherry) tree Shaman snake companion
Ma'at - female Egypt bird race Paladin
Nereus - male Greece Corsair/Oracle
Ptah - male Egyptian Mummy (brown rat) Runecarver scepter (djed with ankh)
Saint Cuthbert - male Cleric