Cosmology of Lajoun
Lajoun has a very unique cosmology. At the center of the solar system there is a quadsun. The quadsun is four small suns fused together. The first is a bright yellow sun called Lumingren which is the spring sun. This sun combines Light and Plant elements, these elements are slightly stronger when Lajoun is nearest Lumingren. This time is of new growth, light, and birth. The second sun is Magsol the summer sun, a very bright red-orange sun. Magsol combines Fire, Force, and Earth elements. This time of year is very warm and has lightning storms. Next is Shadethal the dark sun. Shadethal is the fall sun it is purple with swirls of shadowy grey. Its light is dim but still radiates some warmth this time is shadows and growing cooler, but is the best time for music. This is also the time for most harvesting. Shadethal combines Shadow and Sound elements. The last sun is Colblic the winter sun. Colblic is a bright blue sun that radiates soft blue light but not much warmth. This time of year there is much rain, snow, ice, and wind. Colblic combines the elements of Ice, Water, and Air.

Lajoun has three moons. The closest is the medium sized moon Jakit, which has colorful rings and is saturated by magic. The other two moons are farther out the smallest Pluot rotates around the largest of Lajouns moons, Ganjemeade.

Lajoun has a 400 day year in which it cirlces the quadsun. These days are split into 16 months. Each month has 5 weeks with 5 days each week. Each day has 25 hours in the day each hour has 100 minutes. Each minute has 50 seconds.
Commin soon: Diagrams, calander, other planets, moons, and more.