Aristocratic Assassins (Lawful) - refined gentlemen assassins, only high born aristocratic lineage  members, have very strict codes of who, when, where, how

Artifact Deprivation Association (Evil) - finds good artifacts and corrupts or destroys them

Association of Exploration - dungeon delvers, archaeologists, adventurers, etc

Blood Pack (mostly Evil) - werekin mercenaries

Chainbreakers (Good) - frees slaves

Crescent Blade (Good) - privateers that hunt down evil pirates

Gesserit Sisterhood (Any, female) - concerned with breeding and genetics

Ginaz Mercernaries - no constructs accepted

Greyban (Neutral) soul knives

Jedi (Good) - soul knives

Knowledge Seekers (Neutral)

Mentat Society (Any) - mathmeticians and strategists

Nightstalkers (Good)

Nobanion's Knight's (Good)

Pinkertons (Lawful)- mystery solvers, bounty hunters

Providence Guild (Good)- thieves guild that steals from the corrupt rich and gives to the poor

Prudent Prophesizers - seek out ancient prophesy to validate, expose as hoax, or try to make it come to pass

Redcaps (Evil) -  fey mercenaries

Sith (Evil) - soul knives

Supreme Neutralists (Neutral)- want only neutral, influences others to be harsher against both good and evil

Vigilant Vanquishers (Good) - find and destroy (or redeem) evil artifacts

Weapons of Fate - mercenaries dedicated to Destiny
Comming soon: Links to every organization with history, requirements to join, benifits, activities, and goals!