I'm working on incorporating some of the new 4e material. Work in progress...

Action Points: Use Action Points rules described on p.123 Unearthed Arcana.

Crafting: Almost every class will be able to craft something unique to that class. I really want to encourage players to craft items.

Elements: Lajoun has 11 elements rather than the basic 4. These are Air, Dark, Earth, Fire, Force, Ice, Light, Plant, Shadow, Sound, and Water. The majority of the races on Lajoun have a tendency to one or more of these elements. Each does there own damage as well Wind (Air), Dark (Dark), Stone (Earth), Flame (Fire), Electricity (Force), Cold (Ice), Light (Light), Bio (Plant), Shadow (Shadow), Sonic (Sound), and Stream (Water).

Feats: There will be no more feats as you know them. Races will gain racial abilities as they level up. Classes have their own list of powers most of which can be chosen from a list specifically tailored to that class.

Halfbreeds: Every race is going to have racial levels. Halfbreeds will take one level of one race and then one level of the other and continue. For an individual that is 3/4 human and 1/4 elf, simply take 3 levels of human then one level elf! This makes halfbreeds very simple to obtain their abilities.

Knowledge Points: Skills are broken up with all the Knowledge type skills having their own set. Each class will recieve their own amount of Knowledge Points per level to use with these skills. This is because knowledge is extremely important in Lajoun and every class has class knowledge skills. In addition each player MUST have at least one Profession. Every character has to do something to earn money even if their profession is Adventuring (which is frowned upon because there are so many other interesting options)

Level Adjustments: I'm going to do away completely with level adjusted races. All races will start at about the same power level and will slowly gain racial abilities (independant of class abilities) as they level.

Restricted "Unfavored" Classes: In addition to every race having a favored class, every race will have at least one restricted class. The character may still take the restricted class but at a severe penalty. Restricted classes will only recieve 1/2 experience points or 1/4 if multiclassing. This is to show that this class for this certain race is very difficult.

Rival Classes: Some classes have a rival class. They cannot multiclass in that class and have a very hard time adventuring with someone from their rival class.

Spells and Magic: I'm working on updating these to powers and rituals.

Starting Equipment: Along with the regular equipment a new character can buy, every character will start out with a free set of Regional equipment. Clerics will recieve a Deity specific item that will level up in power as the character levels up. Each region has its own specialty items that are very easy to come by. The Deity specific items really give the Cleric a bonus for following their patron Deity and it shows that each Deity cares about their worshipers and wants them to become strong.
Comming soon: More rules!