
Nicknames: "The Radiant" "The Glory Dragon"

Symbol: A stylized sun

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Portfolio: Glory, Brilliance, Radiance, Righteousness

Favored Weapon:

Stats: Female Athear Ascendant

Relationships: Bahamut gets along with Chastity, Kristar, and most of the good dieties. Xavius is his arch enemy.

Clergy: Followers of Bahamut often wear stylized shining armor. Many carry banners. Many also make their own ranks or titles.

Dogma: Do what you do for glory of good. Be brilliant and radiant. Glorify all that is good.

Radiant Champion
Magnificent Magician
Glorific Destriant
Shining Sword
Herald of Briliance
Masterwork Metalsmith

High Clergy:
Freya - female Runecarver
Holler - male Uldra Ranger (wears skis)
Jingu Himiko - female Japanese Shaman/Paladin
Marichi - female Japanese light race Cavalier/Paladin boar mount
Orunmila - male Africa Kenaimu Oracle
Saint Michael - male Arctic Foxfolk Avenger sword