
Nicknames: "The Gambler" "The Cheater"

Symbol: A playing card with a snake curled around a coin on it

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Portfolio: Gambling, Cheating

Favored Weapon: "The Hidden Card" Tail Blade

Stats: Male Barkscale Naga Rogue/Nomad

Relationships: Ordoss gets along with Volez, Avarice, Tiamat, Lady Envy, Tonberry, Jadi, and Ark. He does not get along with Gilgamesh. He tries to get Doomtrain to work for him but it doesn't always work out the way he wants. He also tries to get St Patrik to be his friend but St Patrik wont give him the time of day. St Nikolaus, Charity, and Gia are his archenemies.

Clergy: Ordoss' churches resemble casinos. His followers will bet on pretty much anything and will do whatever they can get away with to make their bet the winning one.


High Clergy:
Dan Galadima - Thug mob boss gambler
Khonsu - male Egyptian Garuda Thug/Healer knife
Mae Nuk - female Thai Undead Alchemist/Summoner (cards)
Ordog - male Hungary Nightflame Fairy Bandit