
Nicknames: "The Insatiable"

Symbol: A coin with a females face on it

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Portfolio: Greed, Avarice, Wealth

Favored Weapon: "Power" and "Money" shortswords

Stats: Female Vibrice Lillend Cleric/Dualist

Relationships: She leads Tiamat, Ordoss, and Volez. She is also close to Bo and his ilk. St Nikolaus is her arch enemy.

Clergy: Clergy tend to be merchants or money lenders. Most are very rich. Some are treasure hunters. There are also quite a few in places of power though they do not usually conspire and prefer to further their own goals.

Dogma: Get rich or die trying.

Avatar - Krampus
Soldier of Fortune
Money Lender

High Clergy:
Garl Glittergold - male Minoi Gnome Cleric/Rogue
Kadru - female India Shadowcoil Naga Hunter
Kubera - male India Aurtel Dwarf Blackguard/Oracle mace
Supay - male Bolivia Minotaur Alchemist/Runcarver miner
Tymora - female Cleric/Summoner