
Nicknames: "The Paradigm Paladin" "The Light in the Dark"

Symbol: A bright warhammer on a shield of black

Alignment: Lawful Good

Portfolio: Endurance, Vitality, Perseverance

Favored Weapon: "Nightcrusher" warhammer, "Lightkeeper" Bulwark

Stats: Male Lightforged Paladin

Relationships: Alexander is very close to Torok. He also gets along well with Paulus, Liza, Desegnia, and Kiakate. Sloth, Anema, and Abaddon are his archenemies.

Clergy: Most followers do not congregate and prefer to worship on their own. Those that do form temples and churches have many tests of endurance for their faithful or send them on training quests.

Dogma: You can endure anything. You can persevere through any hardships. What does not kill you will only make you stronger.

Light Mage

High Clergy:
Daruma - male Monk Japanese hooded red robes beard
Frau Wacholder - female German Treant (Juniper) Ritualist/Shieldmage/Alchemist
Hachiman - Japanese Kensai/Defender
Ilmater - male Monk/Paladin
Ryujin - male Japanese Hesjing Hidecarved
Vidar - male Norse Giant Avenger
Wadjet - female Egypt Cobra Naga Assassin papyrus stalk staff with snake entwined