
Nicknames: "The Mischevious" "The Trickster" "The Prankster"

Symbol: A Jesters hat

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Portfolio: Humor, Mischeif, Pranks, Cleverness

Favored Weapon: "The Laughing Stick" Siangham

Stats: Male Lightfoot Halfling Rogue/Bard/Anarch

Relationships: Tuck gets along with Tonberry, Ark, and St Patrik. He does not get along with Tressa.

Clergy: Most followers of Tuck do not congregate.

Dogma: Play tricks on people for fun! Don't get caught unless you want to.

High Clergy:
Anansi - Narubian Shifter/Enchanter
Hermes - Shellback Shaman snake twined staff
Huehuecoyotl - male Coyotefolk Acrobat Aztec
Kokopelli - male Grylli Bard/Scout flute, staff, blowgun
Manannan Mac Lir - male Isle of Man water race Cavalier/Rogue