
Nicknames: "The Death Singer"

Symbol: A circle with three straight lines extending from outside the circle that meet in the center. Sometimes the lines are colored black, brown, and or purple. Sometimes there are other symbols inside the three sections of the circle.

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Portfolio: Insanity, Willingly Performing Rites to Become Undead, Dirges, Suicide, Lament, Wailing

Favored Weapon: "Choker" garrote

Stats: Male Banshee Bard/Necromancer/Dirgesinger

Relationships: Abbadon gets along with Anema the most. Phoenix is his main enemy.

Clergy: Usually wear dark shades of black, purple, and brown. Often carry an instrument even if they are not a bard.

Dogma: Celebrate undeath and create undead. Perform dirges for the dead, those soon to be dead, and the undead. If living, commit suicide to become undead. Lament for all.

Death Knight
Necromancer - Centella Ndoki Undead Necromancer Congolese (NE)
Harbinger - Nidhoggr (undead dragon)
Dirge Composer

High Clergy:
Amenias - male Greek Kensai sword
Charon - male Undead (Lupin) Corsair/Assassin
Ereshkigal - female scorpionfolk undead Necromancer/Dualist
Ix Tab - female Undead Mayan Wrangler (hanging suicide)
Kiaransalee - female Avenger
Mania - female Italy Ghost Anarch masked (insanity)
Morpheus - male Psion/Shifter (insanity)
Mullo - male Romani Equinal (Mule) Thug
Sati - female India Fire Mage
Velsharoon - male undead Necromancer

Followers: Alchemist, Anarch, Archer, Assassin, Bandit, Barbarian, Bard, Beastmaster, Blackguard, Brawler, Cavalier, Cleric, Corsair, Defender, Dragoon, Dualist, Enchanter, Hexer, Hunter, Necromancer, Ninja, Nomad, Psion, Ranger, Rogue, Runecarver, Shaman, Scout, Soul Knife, Spellshield, Summoner, Thug, Tinker, Transmuter, Trapper, Warlock, Warrior, Wrangler

Non-followers: Vigilante, Druid, Enforcer, Healer, Kensai, Paladin, Ritualist, Warden