
Nicknames: "The Provider"

Symbol: A cornucopia

Alignment: Neutral Good

Portfolio: Provider

Favored Weapon: "Thorn" Thorned Greatclub

Stats: Male Treant Druid/Shaman


Clergy: Clergy are often farmers, hunters, cooks, dwelling builders, etc providing all the necessary things in life.

Dogma: Provide for everyone you can.

Slayer of Famine
Provider (Druid)
Cleric Chef
Game Hunter
Herald of the Harvest
Basket Weaver

High Clergy:
Atargatis - female Mermaid Druid (abundance of sea/ocean resources)
Austeja - female Abiel Wrangler (Baltic, abundance of honey, nectar, flowers)
Jambhala - male Keeriyum Monk (monetary provider, citron fruit)
Kamupha'a - male Hawaiian Quilboar Brawler/Beastmaster
Njord - male Norse Corsair/Ranger (coastal, port, fishing)
Prometheus - male Greece Rogue/Vigilante
Ukko - male Finland force race Beastmaster reindeer, butterfly, snake
Yondalla - female Strongheart Halfling Paladin