Saint Valentine

Nicknames: "The Lords Son" "The All Love" "The Merciful"

Symbol: A red heart

Alignment: Neutral Good

Portfolio: Love, Mercy

Favored Weapon: "Heartwater" Great Aspergillum

Stats: Male Human Cleric/Soul Knife

Relationships: Saint Valentine is widely believed to be the
Son of The Lord. He gets along well with most all the
Good Deities. Lerella and Harko are his archenemies.

Clergy: The followers of Saint Valentine are organized
more into groups than ranks. Such as healers, ministers,
paladins, etc.

Dogma: Love in all things.

High Clergy:
Ashera - female Treant (pomagranite) Ritualist/Cleric
Astghik - female Alchemist (annointer, rose motiff)
Eros - male Driinai Elf Enchanter sensual love, healthy sex
Kannon - female Japanese Monk(nun)
Oba - female Spring Child Cleric/Kensai
Psyche - female Dayflutter Skirr Soul Knife
Ragaraja - male India Wemic Archer longbow