
Nicknames: "The Honorable"

Symbol: A tigers face

Alignment: Lawful Good

Portfolio: Honor, Integrity, Valor

Favored Weapon: "Tiger Claws" Katana, Wakizashi

Stats: Female Weretiger Kensai/Enforcer/Dualist/Samurai (Tiger companion)

Relationships: Liza looks up to Paulus. She thinks he should take more credit but she respects his modesty. She is close to Desegnia, Tressa, Alexander, and Galpaw. Lady Envy and her ilk are Lizas topmost enemies.

Clergy: Followers of Liza love titles. They often make their own or are given titles that represent their accomplishments. They are also fond of bestowing rewards, ribons, badges, etc to honor the deeds and accomplishments.

Dogma: To be honored you must first earn honor. Fight those who are honorless and show them honor. Do not stoop to their level. Give honor and praise to those around you who deserve it.

High Clergy:
Agasou - male Kenaimu Ritualist/Marshal crab mount (family, tradition)
Bishamon - male Enforcer Japanese
Corvintheus - male Paladin sword/shield
Karni Mata - female India Brown Skaven Shaman trident
Laka - female Hawaiian Lurid Reduvii Acrobat/Monk
Meretseger - female Egypt Mummy(scorpionfolk) Necromancer/Warden/Tomb Warden (honor for the dead)
Nuada Argatlam - male Ireland Kensai/Oracle/Healer grafted silver hand, sword