
Nicknames: "The Vigilant" "The Watchful Guardian"

Symbol: An open eye on a shield

Alignment: Neutral Good

Portfolio: Vigilance, Guardians, Defenders, Protection

Favored Weapon: "Everready" Heavy Pick, Tower Shield

Stats: Male Rockshell Defender/Runecarver

Relationships: Torok gets along with Liza, Desegnia, Alexander, Eden, Kiakate, Yojimbo, and Tressa. He opposes all evil but especially Harko and his ilk.

Clergy: Followers of Torok are usually guardians and defenders.

Dogma: Always be ready. Guard and defend against evil.

High Clergy:
Alala - female Barbarian (mother, protector of children, mothers wrath)
Artio - female Brown Ursa Defender (switzerland)
Heindall - male Norse Selkie Nomad/Warden
Helm - male Paladin/Defender
Ka'ahu Pahau - female Hawaiian Darfellan Avenger
Nekhbet - female Egypt Harpy Spellshield spear/shield
Rhea - female Greece Rattler Naga Acrobat/Brawler
Selket - female Egypt Ritualist/Warden
Shoki - male Japanese Avenger/Spellshield/Demon Hunter
Thor - male Norse Thug/Paladin hammer
Yondalla - female Strongheart Halfling Spellshield/Paladin