
Nicknames: "The Strong"

Symbol: A muscled flexing arm

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Portfolio: Strength

Favored Weapon: "Big Axe" Battle Axe

Stats: Male Ogrillon Warrior/Hunter (Mashta mountain bear companion)

Relationships: Rexagatar doesn't get along well with Ramuh, Fenrir, Sloth, Anema, Ark, and Humea. He does get along with Dexii, Sar-Dakar, Harko, Cereberus, Alexander, and Galpaw.

Clergy: Followers of Rexagatar usually do not congregate. When they meet someone from the faith they do not know (or someone they do they haven't seen for a while) they challenge each other to a test of strength (usually arm wrestling if short on time but something more engageing if they have time).

Dogma: Be strong.

High Clergy:
Heracles - male Avenger club
Pollux - male Brawler boxer (twin to Castor)
Kord - male Sun Ursa Warrior/Barbarian
Kura - female Berber Wemic Alchemist
Seishi - male Japanese Equinal Kensai
Skogsfraur - female Sweden Hunter