
Nicknames: "The Loyal" "The Faithful" "The Devoted"

Symbol: A saluting fist

Alignment: Lawful Good

Portfolio: Loyalty, Faithfulness, Fealty, Devotion, Duty

Favored Weapon: "The right hand of Faith" Ranseur

Stats: Female Sunfire Elf Dragoon/Flame Mage (Wyvern companion)

Relationships: She is loyal to The Lord and Paulus first. She gets along well with Liza, Alexander, Torok, Kiakate, Warren, and Tressa. Mikkal is her archenemy.

Clergy: Desegnias followers are ordered by rank and position. They follow a code of pledges and oaths of loyalty.

Dogma: Be loyal and faithful. Lead by example. Root out betrayers wherever you find them.

Devoted Champion
Wizard of Fealty
Loyal Warrior
Herald of Duty
Title Crafter

High Clergy:
Kwan Kung - male China Enforcer 2h bladed pole staff
Long Mu - female China Hesjing Magus
Miach - male Ireland Alchemist/Healer
Sif - female Norse (wife of Thor)
Syrena - female Poland Mermaid Spellshield
Torm - male Paladin