
Nicknames: "The Tyrant"

Symbol: a 4 that looks like a 2 and F and a J together

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Portfolio: Tyranny, Rulership

Favored Weapon: "Tyrants Rule" Guisarme

Stats: Male Dark Alicorn Kensai/Enforcer/Dragoon


Clergy: Clergy strive to be tyrants whether it is over a nation, city, or just their own household or companions.

Dogma: Be a tyrant, rule with an iron fist.

Tyrant Commander
Chief Chaplain
Emperial Blackguard
High Herald
Royal Mason

High Clergy:
Bane - male Blackguard/Monk
Enma - Japanese LE Enforcer
Korrami - female Tamil Acrobat/Dualist/Marshal
Melkart - male Phoenecian water race Blackguard seahorse mount
Palden Lhamo - female Tibet Enforcer/Oracle skull garland, dice trinket
Sekhmet - female Egypt Wemic Healer