
Nicknames: "The Corrupter" "The Withered"

Symbol: A wilted flower with red evil eyes

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Portfolio: Corruption, Decay, Rot

Favored Weapon: "Rot Spreader" Shillelagh

Stats: Female Blightspawned Druid/Blighter

Relationships: Vloek gets along with Alhallo, Hades, Ziekte, Jadi, Mikkal, and Doomtrain. She does not get along well with Vegael. Cactaur, Growbark, Eden, Gia, Kaelras, and Cornuco are her main enemies.


Dogma: Spread corruption of all kinds to all places and all people.

High Clergy:
Lamashtu - female Sumeria Wemic Nomad/Hexer
Lorelei - female German Sirine Corsair/Trapper
Mai Gizo - male Bori Anarch
Naamah - female Wavelli Lillend Bard/Enchantress/Shaman
Nergal - male Sumeria Wemic Blackguard
Tlazolteotl - female Maxico Hexer/Mage corruption, filth, garbage