
Nicknames: "The Balancer"

Symbol: Two connected hands holding equal things but opposite in color

Alignment: Neutral

Portfolio: Balance, Neutrality

Favored Weapon: "Balance" Double Mace

Stats: Female Banshrae Balancer

Relationships: Alemrar gets along very well with Gilgamesh. Also Ark, Naephim, Malborne, and Grimm. She doesn't really have any true enemies but tries to keep Balance on all sides.

Clergy: Most of her followers are out to keep the Balance between all. However there is a small group that believes true Balance can only be achieved when all there is is neutrality. This small group will attack most corner alignments on sight.

Dogma: Keep the Balance. Make sure all sides are equal. Keep yourself neutral. Return favors both beneficial and detrimental.

High Clergy:
Arduinna - female Hunter boar companion
Hina - female Polynesian water race Balancer/Water Mage lei necklace
Nephthys - female Egypt dark race Cleric/Hexer/Ritualist
Njuzu - female Shona water race Healer/Alchemist
Oshumare - male Vifae Balancer/Vigilante (balance of poverty-wealth)
Satis - female Egyptian Cervidal Dualist
Xolotl - male Aztec Lupin Nomad (balance of life/death, different realms)

