
Nicknames: "The Hale" "The Fit" "The Hearty"

Symbol: A triangle with lines across it to make it look like a pyramid

Alignment: Neutral

Portfolio: Constitution, Stamina, Personal Health, Vitality

Favored Weapon: "Heavy" Halberd

Stats: Female Loxo Barbarian/Dragoon


Clergy: Many are wanderers testing their endurance and health by visiting many environments. Some also form monestaries and test their physical stamina. Churches or monestaries sometimes resemble gyms, sports areanas, or even labs or breweries.

Dogma: Build your stamina in every way. Test your health and overcome any and all sickness naturally to obtain resistance.

Champion of Constitution
Immune Shaman
Sustained Monk
Constant Warrior
Herald of Health
Tough Mason

High Clergy:
Aurora - female Healer
Balendjo - male water race Healer/Warrior/Water Mage
Konsei Myojin - male Japanese Myconid Alchemist
Liber - male Lumanid Rome Dragoon (vitality)