
Nicknames: "The Sad One"

Symbol: A crying half mask

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Portfolio: Despair, Loss, Sadness, Sorrow, Self Sacrafice in an Unlealthy way, Melancholy

Favored Weapon: "Sorrow" sling

Stats: Female Locatha Archer/Ranger

Relationships: Anema gets along best with Abbadon. No one else really understand her. Siren is her arch enemy.

Clergy: Followers often tattoo tears on their cheeks.

Dogma: Despair for those who are lost.

Misery Magus
The Lost Bishop
Sword of Tears
Sorrows Messenger

High Clergy:
Barhaza - female Swamp Gnoll Hexer (mental illness)
Iphegenia - female Avenger
Kuchisak-Onna - female Japanese Undead Ninja half mask over disfigured mouth
Kyane - female Greek Sylph Warlock sad drab blues motiff
Myrrha - female Phoenecian Dryad Shifter
Styx - female Greek Enforcer (uncompromising truth, oblivion)