(Undead Humanoid)
Background: Undead have long been on Lajoun. In the distant past they were mindless servants of Necromancers. After the Rise of the Undead however they became a race of their own. They can come from any race but humans and other medium humanoids are the most common. Undead usually do not remember their previous life or retain any of their previous skills. There are much fewer "new" undead now especially since undead can now breed on their own. However the random corpse will rise to become an undead sometimes. Undead tend to deal with a lot of animosity from the living races. Living races tend not to trust them so most undead stick to their own in small groups. A few cities have given them equal rights and freedom as much as any other races.

Description: Undead tend to look disheveled and unkept but that is only because most don't care. A few can pass for human or humanoid fairly easily. Most however have visable bones showing or great wounds. They can be of any shape or size but medium and mostly humanoid is the most common.

Skin: Their skin tends to look drab and lifeless. Their colors look faded compared to the living. Most undead have large chunks of skin missing or sewed up or patched over.

Facial Features: Undead tend to have sunken eyes, bleak scraggly hair, and sometimes deformities from battles. Some undead have glowing points with no actual eyes.

Vision Type: Normal, Darkvision. Undead have all variety of eyes from faded to glowing and piercing.

Height and Weight: Any.

Size: Any. Usually medium.

Ability Scores: Str 10, Dex 10, Con 18, Wis 10, Int 10, Cha 10 +10

Speed: 30ft (6 squares)

Languages: Gutterspeak, Common

Lifespan: Unlimited

Racial Skills:

Racial Traits:

Tendencies: None.

Favored Class:

Restricted Class:

Unavailable Classes: Bard, Elemental Mage, Healer, Runecarver, Shaman

Regions: Undead can live anywhere. Some have even adapted to living underwater since they do not need to breathe.

Food Source: Most undead fall into two types of diets. There are those who prefer to eat rotting dead foods and those who prefer to eat fresh foods. Sometimes even still living food. However undead can eat most anything.

Halfbreeds: Common:
Possible but uncommon:
Possible but rare:

Racial Powers: