Background: Long ago all Abeils lived in the Burried Hive. That city is still the same as it was with the queen ruling with a very strict lawful hand. They use slavery and hunt other nearby races for sport and for food. They have a monopoly on most of the underground trade except for metals. They have a very strict social rank and are very competative to climb in that rank. The newer colony of the Hiviary broke away from that tyrany. They oppose Abeils from the Burried Hive whenever they can. They have also made ties with other races and have excelled in trade. They also have some fairly advanced magic and technology. They still live with a ruling queen but there is much more freedom for individuals. Abeils have an extremely long gestation period their eggs remain within sealed sacs for three to four years before the young emerges. The larvae will grow for about 20 years then they go through a metomorphosis to become a full grown Abeil which takes between 6 and 10 years. Burried Hive Abeil put all their young in the same place and make them fend for themselves while Abeils from the Hiviary keep their young with their parents until they undergo the metamorphosis.

Description: An Abeil looks like a cross between an Elf and a bee. Their hands and feet have four digits each. They have four legs and two arms. Their head and facial features resemble those of an Elf, except that the Abeil has black faceted eyes and long antennae. Like a bee, an Abeil has translucent wings.

Skin: Their bodies are covered with bristly fur, and normally colored in alternating bands of black and yellow. The black stripes can sometimes be shades of purple, brown, blue, or green. The yellow stripes can sometimes be light blue, white, light brown, or light orange. Very rarely some abeil are a solid color or splotchy without stripes.

Facial Features: An Abeils head and facial features resemble those of an Elf, except that the Abeil has black faceted eyes, long antennae, no nose, but they do have elf-like ears. They have normal lips but no teeth and a proboscis.

Vision Type: Normal, Darkvision. Abeil have dark faceted eyes.

Height and Weight: 6-7ft, 60-80lbs. Females tend to be slightly taller than males.

Size: Medium.

Ability Scores: Str 9, Dex 15, Con 8, Wis 10, Int 13, Cha 13, +10

Speed: 30ft (6 squares), Fly 50ft (10 squares)

Languages: Common, Sylvan

Lifespan: About 700 years, this is the adult stage after the metamorphosis.

Racial Skills: Spot

Racial Traits: Telepathy (Hive Mind), Scent (antenna)

Tendencies: Air, Sound

Favored Class: Rogue, Wind Mage, or Bard

Restricted Class: Defender

Unavailable Classes: Necromancer, Runecarver, Shaman

Regions: Aerial or Underground.

Food Source: Nectar, pollen, jelly, and honey.

Halfbreeds: Common: Abiel/Breezefeather Elf, Abeil/Moonsong Elf, Abeil/Skirr, Abeil/Sirine
Possible but uncommon: Abeil/Trixie, Abeil/Lightfoot Halfling, Abeil/Harpy, Abeil/Horn Beetlefolk, Abeil/Pixie
Possible but rare: Abeil/Aventi, Abeil/Bugbear, Abeil/Human, Abeil/Satyr

Racial Powers: Drone, Sonic Sting, Pollen Dust (similar to faerie fire), Stormwing (air/sound attack)