Background: Humans are everywhere and into everything. They are very adaptable and can be very flexible or very stubborn. They are one of the most diverse races and by far the most prolific when it comes to interbreeding with other races. There is a theory that someday all races will have human blood in them. Humans tend slightly towards psionic classes but can excell at any class.

Description: Humans tend to be medium in all things but have great potential to be outstanding in anything. Humans come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Usually males tend to be slightly taller and heavier than females.

Skin: Humans usually have very soft skin. It can range very almost white to almost black with many shades of brown in between.

Facial Features: Humans have a wide variety of facial features but are fairly common. Males can grow a wide variety of facial hair. Both males and females can have all kinds of facial piercings. Ear piercings are very common for females.

Vision Type: Normal. Eye colors come in a wide variety from brown, green, blue, grey, yellow and many shades in between.

Height and Weight: 5ft-7th 100-250lbs

Size: Medium

Ability Scores: Str 10, Dex 10, Con 10, Wis 10, Int 10, Cha 10, +22

Speed: 30ft (6 squares)

Languages: Common and one more

Lifespan: 600 years Most humans die fairly young as they tend to be in the thick of things. This is a common age for those who retire and live to die of old age, However determined individuals can live to be MUCH older especially with divine or magical aid. Ability Potential (gain ability score of your choice)

Racial Skills: Any one

Racial Traits:  Skillful (+5 skill points at first level, +1 every other level, points can be used in either regular class skills or knowledge skills), Quick Learner (gain one extra class ability at first level and one more every 5 levels), Multitasker (can multiclass without penalty [two classes only, third class gets penalty as regular dual classing])

Tendencies: None

Favored Class: Any one

Restricted Class: None

Unavailable Classes: Bard, Druid, Elemental Mage, Necromancer, Runecarver, Shaman

Regions: Any. Humans can adapt to live anywhere. Underwater and Underground can be hazardous but with the proper equipment, items, or spells humans can thrive even there.

Food Source: Humans are omnivores. They will eat most anything.

Halfbreeds: Common: Any Humanoid
Possible but uncommon: Any Animal Humanoid, Fey, or Outsider
Possible but rare: Any Reptilian/Amphibian or Insectoid (should not be possible but rumors persist)

Racial Powers: Skill Boost (+5 any skill check 1/day)