(humanoid - dwarf)
Background: Gurnvosdwar are also known as Rootbark Dwarves.

Description: Rootbark Dwarves are short, stout, and compact. They are extremely tough.

Skin: Rootbark Dwarves skin is very similar to tree bark. It is very tough and hard. Their skin is often whorled like bark or has similar paterns as different trees. Their hair comes in a wide range of browns and greens with other colors being very rare.

Facial Features: Males tend to wear long beards let grown wild and bushy. Females have rounder and somewhat smoother faces. Their eyes can be shades of brown or green with other colors being very rare.

Vision Type: Normal and Low-light.

Height and Weight: 4ft-5ft, 150lbs-250lbs

Size: Medium

Ability Scores: Str 12, Dex 10, Con 15, Wis 13, Int 10, Cha 8, +10

Speed: 25ft (5 squares)

Languages: Common and Rustle

Lifespan: 800 years

Racial Skills:

Racial Traits:

Tendencies: Plant/Earth

Favored Class: Druid

Restricted Class: Rogue

Unavailable Classes: Bard, Elemental Mage, Necromancer, Tinker

Regions: Forest, Mountain

Food Source: Vegetarian. They love bark, eat it like jerky.

Halfbreeds: Common:
Possible but uncommon:
Possible but rare:

Racial Powers: