Runecarvers can carve, paint, or tattoo magical runes.

Alternative Names: Rune Master, Rune Mage, Rune Caster, Glypher, Hieroglypher, Cipher, Tattooist, Runesmith

Alignment: Any.

Race: Earth, Dark, or Plant.

Power Source: Elemental

HP: T6 S7 M8 L9 H10+ Con

Key Abilities: Intelligence, Constitution, Strength

Defensive Bonus: +1 Fortitude, +1 Will

General Class Skills (4 + Int): Appraise (Int), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Decipher Script (Int), Forgery (Int), Jump (Str), Search (Int), Spellcraft (Int), Swim (Str)

Knowledge Class Skills (6 + Int): Craft (bone, clay, gemcutting, glass, magic, metal, rune, stone, and tattoo) (Int), Knowledge (arcana, architechture and engineering, fine arts, history) (Int) , Profession (artist, armorsmith, blacksmith, bookkeeper, engineer, glassblower, mason, scholar, scribe, stylist/groomer) (Wis)

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Cestus, one-hand hammer, pick, two-hand hammer, great pick, throwing hammer. Light armor (most prefer not to wear armor covering their bodies with tattooed runes), and shields (except tower).

Crafting: Runecarvers can craft magical runes. They gain Craft (Rune) as a special class skill.