Barbarian's are savage fighters that follow their own will. Each totem variant is for a different climate in lajoun and reflects how a barbarian survives and grows in that climate. A barbarian character can only use one variant and it must relate to the climate where that character grew up.

Alternative Names: Brute, Savage, Rager, Berserker, Battlerager, Grunt

Alignment: Any.

Power Source: Natural

HP: T10 S11 M12 L13 H14 + Con

Key Abilities: Strength, Constitution, Wisdom

Defensive Bonus: +1 Fortitude, +1 Reflex, +1 Will

General Class Skills (4 + Int): Climb (Str), Handle Animal (Wis), Intimidate (Str), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Ride (Dex), Survival (Wis), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str).

Knowledge Class Skills (2 + Int): Craft (bone, food, leather, tattoo, trapmaking [only natural, non-mechanical traps], and weaving) (Int), Knowledge (geography, history, and nature) (Int) , Perform (Oratory) (Cha), Profession (any that doesn't require reading) (Wis)

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Cestus, claws, one hand axes, clubs, hammers, flail, all two-hand weapons, throwing axes, and throwing hammers.. Bucklers and small shields (wood or bone only). Light, med-light, medium and med-heavy armor (hide only).

Crafting: None.
Cavern totem: +4 Survival when underground. Add Skills: Hide (Dex) and Move Silently (Dex). Gains Stealthy feat at 4th level and Blind-Fight at 8th level.

Dessert totem: +4 Survival in dessert.  Able to go without water and endure severe heat for twice as long as normal. Gains Endurance feat at 2nd level and Self-Sufficient feat at 4th level.

Forest totem: +4 Survival in forested areas. Gains Graceful feat at 2nd level, and Alertness feat at 4th level, and Track at 8th level.

Jungle totem: +4 Survival in tropical areas. Gains climb speed of 1/2 land speed. Gains Athletic feat at 4th level. +4 Ride when riding any dinosaur.

Mountain totem: +4 Survival in mountainous areas. Gains Acrobatic feat at 2nd level,  Great Fortitude feat at 4th level, and Toughness at 8th level.

Marsh totem: +4 Survival in marshes and swamps. Gains Resist Disease feat at 2nd level, Iron Will feat at 4th level, and Combat Expertise at 8th level.

Plains totem: +4 Survival on plains. Add +10ft to land speed when in plains areas. Gains Run feat at 2nd level and Improved Initiative at 4th level.

Tundra totem: +4 Survival in snowy areas. Gains Endurance feat at 2nd level and Self-Sufficient feat at 4th level. Able to go without food and endure severe cold for twice as long as normal.

Water totem: +4 Survival when in or very near a body of water. Gains swim speed of 1/2 land speed (if character already has swim speed add 1/2 of land speed to swim speed). Power Attack feat at 2nd level, Combat Reflexes feat at 4th level, and Improved Sunder feat at 8th level.

Wind totem: +4 Survival in the air. If character can fly, increase fly speed by 1/2. If character cannot fly increase Fast Movement bonus to 20ft (landbound barbarians of this totem run like the wind). Gains Dodge feat at 2nd level , Lightning Reflexes feat at 4th level, and Mobility feat at 8th level.
Pummel: ability, must have at least one hand free to punch opponent, instant but uses half your next round, stops spellcasting, unable to cast spell of same school for 4 rounds