Lee Nelson

last updated: 8/14/09

This is my general website. This site links together all of my old sites plus its going to have a ton of new stuff. There are a lot of memories I want to keep with me no matter where I go. So I'm going to put a whole bunch of cool things here on this site mainly for me to come and look at and remember whenever I want but if any wayward souls find this site then by all means take a look around.

About the links

I'll tell you a little bit about each link so you know what your getting into.

About Me is of course some general information about me.

My Pics are a few pics of me, my family, and some pics of things that are important to me.

Big Mac is a tribute to my all time favorite sports hero.

My Artwork is drawings, paintings, model cars, other works of mine and some other cool stuff. 

Lajoun is a new magical D&D world that I am working on. Fun stuff!

My First Site is a website I made in geocities for a class I had in highschool it turned out really well so I kept it.

|2emi is an old Rogue Spear clan site. It's just an awesome site and is very well put together. My clan is no longer active but there is still a lot of cool stuff on there. 
On this site
About Me
updated: 8/14/09

My Pics
updated: 4/20/06

Big Mac
updated: 5/12/02

My Artwork
updated: 9/12/04

My Other Sites
updated: 8/14/09

My First Site

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